Have You done a Fitness Evaluation recently?

Many people in the US have annual health examinations with their primary doctor, dentist, optometrist, Women’s Health practitioner; and most parents take their kids to the pediatrician every year. But what about an annual PT assessment or “fitness evaluation”? I believe that the physical therapist is the true “body mechanic” who is able to evaluate human movement that is both helpful and harmful. There is no shortage of free advice on the internet about what exercises to do to improve strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. But how do you know what is the best fit for you?

This is where a fitness evaluation or “annual PT check up” is helpful. I have been performing fitness assessments for over 5 years now; the following is a list of what I assess:

  • Medical History: any disease or injuries that may be preventing you from regular exercise;

  • Current Exercise: what is your current routine, what do we need to add/omit;

  • Body Mass Index; BMI; a measurement of your weight based on your stature;

    “can be used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems but it is not diagnostic of the body fatness or health of an individual.” (https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/);

  • Aerobic Capacity: what is your VO2 max; VO2 max is an indicator of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance; how do you know you are exercising your heart properly?

  • Static & Dynamic Balance: most important in an aging adult, 60 and over, or people with neurological conditions such as MS, Parkinson’s Disease, or history of stroke;

  • Core Strength: what is your trunk strength like; if it is lacking, do you have back pain?

  • Functional Strength: how is your overall upper and lower extremity strength; is an activity you are doing limited because you have weakness?

  • Flexibility: how flexible are you? Flexibility usually decreases with age, but it does not have to;

  • Posture: an objective assessment of your posture and how to address any deficits;

What are YOUR GOALS for exercise; is it weight loss, strength building or prevention of disease? What you want to accomplish from regular exercise is important!

If you are looking for professional advice on where to start with an exercise routine, consider giving Nicole a call to get started on a personalized fitness program.

Nicole Skinner, PT