Covid 19 and its Impact on Medical Care 2020

I’m not sure who saw 2020 coming with 20/20 vision, but I certainly did not. As a seasoned health care worker, this past year has caused me to perform tasks and care for patients in ways I never have in the past; its all been about being flexible.

One of the negative side affects of the pandemic, as if there needs to be just one more, is delayed or avoided medical care for non-Covid 19 related illnesses. The CDC found in a study that a whopping 41% of US adults avoided or delayed necessary medical care for fear of contracting the coronavirus. Of that 41%, 12% required emergency care and 34% required routine care. With the increase use of telemedicine, there should be no reason to avoid medical care. If you don’t have access to a computer, then counsel with your provider over the phone,

As most people are aware, the mortality rate of strokes (ischemic stroke 15%; hemorrhagic stroke 42%) and myocardial infarctions (30%) are far greater than that of Covid 19 (1-3%). But medical care to address acute onset of stroke symptoms and cardiac conditions has dropped according to a study comparing admissions from March to April 2020 to the same period the previous year, 2019. The study found a 23% decline in brain imaging (imaging to identify the presence of an acute brain bleed), and a 39% decline in hospital admissions for stroke care. Sadly, patients with acute ischemic stroke showed a 41% increase in in-patient mortality. Another alarming statistic is the drop in myocardial infarction (MI) related admissions by 39%. These are alarming numbers considering the mortality rate and potential effect on quality of life following these conditions.

So is there some medical condition you have avoided seeking medical care for? Don’t put it off further, get in touch with your provider. If you are in need of some physical therapy or wellness services, consider giving me a call to address your physical movement needs!

Delay or Avoidance of Medical Care Because of COVID-19–Related Concerns — United States”

“The Drastic Effects of COVID-19 on Stroke Services”

“Untreated Stroke as Collateral Damage of COVID-19: “Time Is Brain” Versus “Stay at Home”

Nicole Skinner, PT